Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Post 5

This post is all about my pets!

At one time, we had 7 pets. Now, we have 5. Angel, Pixie, Buffy, Kelly, and Whiskers. Pixie and Kelly were kind of mine. Well, I chose them. Here is a time line of all of our previous pets:

Peaches (Pomeranian)~before I was born (died at 14 years)

Moxie & Pixie (Twin Maltese)~ when I was about 5 years old. (Moxie was either stolen or ran away last year on the night of the cruise- my sister was in the 8th grade last year)

Buffy (Short haired ginger cat)~when I was about 6 years old.

Belle(gray medium soft haired) & Whiskers (Short black haired with white splotch on her chest)~When I was about 6 and a half. (Belle died from too much anesthesia when she was spayed)

Kelly(Black and White long haired cat)~When I was about 6 and a half

Angel (Tan and White Chihuahua)~ When I was 13. (She's my mom's baby!)

Pixie- Do Not Disturb

Angel~ My mom has this as her background, because it looks like she is looking under into the computer!

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